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Located in Adams, MA 


Located in Adams, MA | 413-743-7223
Located in Adams, MA
Call Us Today

A One-Stop Shop for All Your Favorite 
Toys and Supplies

Let Your Kids Delve Into the Exciting Realm of Toys

A child's imagination is limitless - it only takes a spark to get them started! With carefully-made figures, die-cast toys, and dollhouses from Hobby World, you can make sure they are inspired by the best products available!

What's buried under the sand? You can just start randomly digging to find out, or you can target your search with our reliable metal detectors.

Delight Your Children With Our Toys and Kits

  • Die-cast toys
  • Metal detectors
  • Dollhouses
  • Scientific projects
Die-cast toys are the perfect way to introduce your child to the joys of DIY modeling. With paint, they will learn the attention to detail it takes to make something amazing.
Call us to ask about our amazing toy collection: 
You can be sure of the quality as the Bruder toys we supply are the German toys which have tougher plastic than any average toy. We offer a three-part replacement for these toys.
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