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Located in Adams, MA 


Located in Adams, MA | 413-743-7223
Located in Adams, MA
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Explore Your Creative Side With Our 
Interesting DIY Kits

Inculcate Motor Skills in Your Children With Our DIY Kits

While plastic toys on the shelves of the big box stores might seem like fun, kids lose interest in no time. But model kits? When they put their own time and energy into making something, they'll treasure it for years to come!

Putting together a perfect working and authentic looking model forces your child to take it slow. Building something yourself is its own reward!
Wood ship

Comprehensive Kits That Cover Every Area of Interest

  • Plastic models
  • Estes rockets, professional rockets, all conventional rockets
  • Wood ships
  • Figures
Whether you or your children are into classic cars, fighter jets, or historical figures, you can find an appropriate model kit in that genre for any age at Hobby World!
Visit our Facebook page every day for new gift ideas, updates, and 
short-notice specials!
We offer all the toys and accessories at competitive prices. You can rest assured knowing that we have already tried and tested what we sell.
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